
02 June 2010 3:09 PM Posted by sLeEp|ezzz
Drawing is part of my hobby, but I've stop drawing since... ~~hmMMpppphh... I don't remember XD. And today, I have a chance to learn drawing is because there's a HUMAN who suddenly appeared in my life help me to fulfill my dream.Well.. well.... let's see.....

The very first sketching I drew on my first class.


Third......(I like this type of sketching, but I'm still not enough COLI to compare with the expert... XD)

Forth.... (I like the way i drew this out... although is not that nice la.. XD and my lecturer said that my sketching is very YAU SING KAK...LOLx what a compliment.... )

5 Response to "Drawing"

  1. Anthony Says:

    no bad no bad

  2. sLeEp|ezzz Says:

    yi... kam sia kam sia~

  3. ufo34 Says:

    draw dou hou leng ar... kar yao kar yao!!

  4. sLeEp|ezzz Says:

    erm goi sai siew siew ho~~

  5. Andrew Yep Says:

    cantik la! haha

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