Irish Virginity Test Kit

26 June 2010 9:20 AM Posted by sLeEp|ezzz 0 comments

Paddy, one of the little people is planning to marry, he is, he is.

So he goes to visit the king of the little people and asks him how he could tell if his bride-to-be is still a virgin.

The kings says “Aye Paddy, to be sure, all Irish humans use three things for what they call a Do-It-Yourself Virginity Test Kit…..

A can of red paint, a can of blue paint and a shovel.

Paddy asks, “Aye, and to be sure, what do I do with these things oh King?”

The King of the fairies replies, “Before ye climb into bed on your wedding night, you paint on of your balls red and the other blue.

If she says “That’s the strangest pair of balls I ever did ….!”

You hit her with the shovel.


Start every day with a smile and get it over with......~ :D


02 June 2010 3:09 PM Posted by sLeEp|ezzz 5 comments
Drawing is part of my hobby, but I've stop drawing since... ~~hmMMpppphh... I don't remember XD. And today, I have a chance to learn drawing is because there's a HUMAN who suddenly appeared in my life help me to fulfill my dream.Well.. well.... let's see.....

The very first sketching I drew on my first class.


Third......(I like this type of sketching, but I'm still not enough COLI to compare with the expert... XD)

Forth.... (I like the way i drew this out... although is not that nice la.. XD and my lecturer said that my sketching is very YAU SING KAK...LOLx what a compliment.... )